a truly holistic approach to treating the whole person, emotionally, chemically, structurally, energetically.

What is kinesiology?
Kinesiology (pronounced kin-easy-ology) is a way of identifying imbalances within the body by assessing their ability to hold their muscles against gentle pressure. Using muscle testing allows investigation without intrusion. Kinesiology is the science of muscle testing in relation to all body functions developed by Dr. George Goodheart, a chiropractor, in 1965. Dr. Goodheart discovered that when a muscle was tested the result could reveal information about the energy of the organs of the individual. Each organ is related to a meridian (energy pathways used in acupuncture), and together the muscle, organ and meridian form a 'circuit' of energy. Muscle testing detects even minor imbalances within the energy 'circuit' allowing the opportunity to re-balance the depleted system. Kinesiology supports the energy systems of the body, enhancing the natural body processes.

What a treatment entails;
The client usually remains fully clothed, lying on a bed. The practitioner applies gentle pressure to arms or legs to assess the responses of the muscles. Based on the feedback the kinesiologist can advise the client of a well-being plan which may include nutritional supplements, stress release techniques, chakra balancing, flower remedies, light touch points, lifestyle changes. Each client is individual, each receives advice in response to the feedback the muscle test reveals allowing the unique needs of the person to be addressed.

How many treatments?
This depends on the individual complaint, how long you have had it, and how willing the client is to fully commit to their own treatment, i.e. making suggested dietary changes, incorporating a technique into their daily life. usually most people feel an improvement in three to six visits. It is then recommended that you have a routine balance two or three times per year.